How international experience promotes professional development

How International Experience Promotes Professional Development

(Estimated reading time: 2 minutes)

Nursing is one of the medical professions that is a delicate balance between art and science. Nurses that understand more about different lifestyles are more competent in delivering the right kind of assistance to help people towards wellness.

To be effective in a people-centered profession, it’s beneficial for nurses to learn about different cultures, belief systems, and worldviews. By understanding how others think and feel, you can become better in your profession–no matter who you serve.

Research also shows that nurses who work abroad become and have international experience are more confident and have better intercultural communication skills. By putting yourself in a new environment, you are challenging yourself to improve your skills as a nurse. You become culturally sensitive, competent, and have improved communication skills.

Some nurses share that they miss important information because they were not aware of the cultural differences. The quality of care suffers because of this. By understanding the norms of a certain culture, you can understand your patient better and provide better care. Even without speaking the local language, this knowledge will help you know the best way to approach a patient.

International experience is an avenue for professional development. It contributes to improvements in the nurse’s knowledge, skills, and competence.

One of the major contributions working abroad has for nurses is exposure to regional diseases and health conditions. You learn how to treat and care for diseases which you might have never encountered in your home country.


If you decide that working abroad is something you would want to do to advance your career, the first step is to take the licensure exam in the country of your choice. IPASS can help you by providing our exam processing services and review. Contact us through our website or our contact numbers to see how you can make your dreams to work abroad come true!

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