A Golden Opportunity: Benefits Of Working As A Medical Professional In The Middle East

A Golden Opportunity: Benefits Of Working As A Medical Professional In The Middle East

Written By: Gershom Sage R. Rivero, RN, USRN

(Estimated reading time: 3 minutes)

Many people dream of providing a better future for their families and loved ones. So when we choose our career pathways, we usually select those that can possibly fulfill our needs. Sadly opportunities for medical professionals, let alone nurses, are not that good here in the Philippines. This is the very reason why the majority of our fellow health care workers decide on working abroad. Although it’s not easy to leave behind our loved ones and care for people we don’t know, we push on. It’s a tough pill to swallow because the opportunities are so good that you cannot afford to let it pass.

Today we talk about the multiple benefits of working as a medical professional in the Middle East. I have interviewed some colleagues who worked there for several years now and these are what they shared to us:

1. Food, Lodging, and Transportation Allowances

All of the nurses that I talked to said the same thing, they receive allowances for the basic needs. Which is a really big deal considering that cost of living is quite high in the Middle East. So having those things can help you save up much-needed salary.

2. Tax-Free Salary

In relation to the first point, speaking of salary our colleagues agreed also that they get their salaries whole. This can also help you up in terms of saving up.

3. National ID System

This allows our fellow nurses in the Middle East to make hassle-free transactions which is a really cool thing I think. We know that it can be quite difficult to bring multiple IDs and getting those is another story, so having one multi-purpose card is really useful.

4. Health/Medical Insurance

Usually, this one varies depending on whether you are working on a government or private hospital. The bottom line is they pay zero to minimal amounts for the procedures, hospitalizations, and medicines. This is a rare thing for us medical workers here in the Philippines.

5. Annual Leaves and Sick Leaves With Pay

Our nurses are usually given around 45-day annual leave and are also provided with plane tickets going back and forth to their home countries. They are also given sick leaves.

6. Complete Sets of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

We know how important it is to protect ourselves and our patients. Being able to use the proper protective equipment is a must. More so now that we have a pandemic, our nurses from the Middle East also agree that they are being provided with the proper tools that they need in order to protect themselves.

7. Professional Development Trainings

Usually our nurses there are provided with training to gain more knowledge or updates and also to help them complete their units needed for licensure renewal.

8. Knowledge and Experience

Of course, we cannot forget how working in the Middle East gives our nurses a taste of what standard practice mean. They are able to encounter cases that we usually see only on books, practice multidisciplinary collaborations, experience high standards of care, and so much more. It allows them to be a more experienced nurse.

Different nurses have different reasons for why they continue to love and enjoy practicing in the Middle East. Definitely the benefits you receive here in the Philippines are nothing compared to what the Middle East can give you, so what are you waiting for? Start the beginning of your dreams with us!

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