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1. What can you say about the content of the review program?
– IPASS approach in NCLEX Review by far is COMPREHENSIVE one. Educators are focus on salient information,they have an in depth explanation and analysis of the subject up until to the very minute details. Some to name few like Sir Jay he digs further up to molecular and cellular level for he know its really essential, so that students will understand and master the concept/s, correlate it, thereby enabling them to utilze the learned informations to actual NCLEX exam.
2. How is your online review program helped you in your exam prep?
– I can say the online review helped me a lot in terms of remastering already acquired nursing knowledge and to strengthen foundations of those identified weak points needed to focus on and fine tune.
3. What is your feedback about the roadmap to NCLEX book?
– Roadmap is presumably the mini version of Saunders, it contains all the information necessary for the students to know and learn needed for the NCLEX. What I liked about it is being concise and direct to the point explanation of must to know hot topics in NCLEX. The simple illustrations added a plus points to some visual learners making it easier to remember or to memorize.
4. What can you say about your NCLEX educators? (Jay, Rosanna, Ryan, Hya)
– IPASS Educators are well-rounded and absolutely incredible persons. Unique in their own teaching style. Some injected stories to emphasize the topic, many of which have integrated Faith and wisdom. They see to it incorporating Christian values. They never fail to amaze the students in their own peculiar way.
5. What can you say about the review success coaches ( Mark, Vanessa, Jaymi, Geno )
– iPASS coaches were efficient and I can say for instance has been able to work with Ms. Rosenda Tuti (Ms. Eros), for me I find her valuable and a great asset to the organization. See place the student’s success at the center of everything that she does. Ensuring the students and ready for the battle. Her style of coaching for me is enough to encourage higher engagement rates with the students.
6. What is your nursing background and how the online review helped in your NCLEX preparation?
– Nursing is my second course, I also finished BS Biology and obtained aDegreen of MSN with specialization in Adult Health/ICU. I believed despite of the my background, the review helped me still as I graduated maybe a decade already which means some topics I have completely forgot, with the help of the lectures I was able to withdraw, recall almost all readily and instantly and refresh it effortlessly.