What To Do If My NCLEX Or My Middle East Exam

What To Do If My NCLEX Or My Middle East Exam Gets Unscheduled

(Estimated reading time: 5 minutes)

Written By: Gershom Sage R. Rivero, RN, USRN

We’re approaching the end of 2020, and as we all know it hasn’t been generally favorable to the whole world. It is safe to assume that this year is not easy to the general public. It’s a shame that many of our plans didn’t make it to fruition. Some of which we were waiting and preparing for so long only for it to get canceled.

Take the case of our nurses and another medical professional who are scheduled to have their NCLEX, CGFNS Qualifying Exam, and Middle East exams this year. Imagine preparing for an exam, months in the making, only to receive an e-mail that your appointment has been unscheduled. Of course, no one is expecting this grim turn of events. This must be very heartbreaking for them. I can only imagine the different emotions running through their heads as they process this message. It is acceptable to question why these things are happening to you, although you cannot fully stay that way. Finding meaning to the unexpected events is good, but one way or another you need to seek ways on how you can be more productive and manage the additional time given to you.

What are the things that we can do while waiting for our next appointment date?

What are the things that we can do while waiting for our next appointment date?

1. Maximize Your Time To Study

YES! You read it right, I highly encourage you to still continue learning. Getting your original exam date unscheduled doesn’t mean that you will not be taking the exam anymore, it just got moved. This is somewhat God’s indirect way of saying He is giving you more time to prepare for the exams. Learning must never stop, to be honest. If you are tired of reading your concepts, this might be the time for you now to incorporate the fun in learning. You can be creative and recall signs and symptoms for a particular disease, make a mnemonic out of it, or a song. This is also the perfect time for you to just full-on immerse yourself with practice sets of exams. Whatever you want to do just keep in mind to not stop learning.

2. Spend More Time With Your Loved Ones

Weird right? One might think “I’m with my significant others already, so why spend more time with them?”. Yes technically we are under one roof but at certain times we get too focused on studying that we tend to forget having meaningful talks with them or just spending time with them. It doesn’t have to be a 1 on 1 serious talk or anything, invite them to have some family bonding over a good movie or eat meals together, possibly do some karaoke night with them. If you are spending less time with your loved ones before I think now is the perfect time to do it. Just to give you more reason to do well on your exam.

3. Revisit Your Reasons Why You Wanted To Become A Medical Professional Abroad

It can be tough to get your exams delayed and some people actually takes the delays harder to the point that they just want to give up. But I’m telling you there is no point on letting go of your dream right now. You are literally an exam away from achieving your beloved license. If ever that you felt so discouraged, go to a quiet place, dig deep and internalize, remember your reasons why you wanted to do this in the first place. It also helps if you also remember that you already invested money and time for this. Do not let a delay be the reason for you to not pursue your most precious dream.

4. Continue Your Working Experience

If you have stopped working to make way for your NCLEX or Middle East Exam prep, this is the best time for you to go back bedside. Because remember that our working experience should still be continuous even after passing the exams. Take the opportunity as well to apply any theoretical knowledge into practice if it is possible. It can be something as simple as a technique in therapeutic communication or how you deliver your discharge plan teaching to the client. New knowledge is good but its even better when applied.

5. Learn To Accept That Some Things Doesn’t Go Our Way

Life is a series of ever-changing events and factors. Some factors are way out of our control and no matter what we do we cannot simply escape the fact that it is bound to happen. Even if we are so focused on a certain examination date but fate decides to jinx it, the exam will get canceled. As heartbreaking as it seems we can’t do much about it. So instead on focusing too much on the downside we can just be more positive about it. We have mentioned above already what are the things that we can do during these times. Why not come full circle and accept that there certainly are things that is not in our hands anymore and just trust that God is cooking something better for you.

Keep your head up!

Keep your head up!

If there is a good lesson in 2020 it teaches us how to be malleable. This year is allowing us to be more flexible and tweak our already settled plans. Life keeps on throwing us curveballs but we keep on finding ways to dodge them. As cliché as it may sound but God always has a reason for everything, but believe me when I say that it is for your own good as well.

Just keep on being resilient! Delays are just minor setbacks and are definitely an easy win if you are so determined to reach that dream destination. For now, keep on honing your craft so when the true battlefield arrives you are so prepared more than ever! Keep on pushing till the day that we hear your success story! Good luck and may God bless you on your exams. Allow us to inspire you through the success story of Ms. Kharla Zamudio, RN, USRN. Check out these videos below:

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